Our frequent shopper card will be phased out as follows:
* We will continue to stamp your frequent shopper card through September 30th, 2019.
* The card may be redeemed through November 30th, 2019.
* If by September 30th, your card is only partially filled, we will honor a value of $1.50 per stamp.
* The discount may be applied to retail or services of $15 or more, through November 30th.
* We will continue to stamp your frequent shopper card through September 30th, 2019.
* The card may be redeemed through November 30th, 2019.
* If by September 30th, your card is only partially filled, we will honor a value of $1.50 per stamp.
* The discount may be applied to retail or services of $15 or more, through November 30th.